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Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Grønnlien (Vestland, Norway)
Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer)
Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer)
Apamea lateritia (Scarce Brindle)
Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches)
Apamea remissa (Dusky Brocade)
Apamea rubrirena
Autographa jota (Plain Golden Y)
Campaea margaritaria (Light Emerald)
Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth)
Crocallis elinguaria (Scalloped Oak)
Diarsia brunnea (Purple Clay)
Dysstroma latefasciata
Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey)
Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach)
Graphiphora augur (Double Dart)
Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix)
Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer)
Hypena proboscidalis (Snout)
Lycophotia porphyrea (True Lover's Knot)
Macaria wauaria (The V-Moth)
Martania taeniata (Barred Carpet)
Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet)
Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot)
Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder)
Oligia latruncula (Tawny Marbled Minor)
Pasiphila debiliata
Pheosia tremula (Swallow Prominent)
Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff)
Phymatopus hecta (Gold Swift)
Protolampra sobrina (Cousin German)
Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet)
Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave)
Xestia baja (Dotted Clay)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Grønnlien (Vestland, Norway)
Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer)
Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer)
Alcis repandata (Mottled Beauty)
Apamea lateritia (Scarce Brindle)
Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches)
Apotomis betuletana (Birch Marble)
Argyresthia conjugella (Apple Fruit Moth)
Autographa jota (Plain Golden Y)
Campaea margaritaria (Light Emerald)
Camptogramma bilineata (Yellow Shell)
Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth)
Colostygia pectinataria (Green Carpet)
Crocallis elinguaria (Scalloped Oak)
Diarsia brunnea (Purple Clay)
Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay)
Dysstroma latefasciata
Epinotia signatana (Black-brindled Bell)
Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey)
Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach)
Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald)
Graphiphora augur (Double Dart)
Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix)
Herminia tarsipennalis (The Fan-foot)
Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer)
Hylaea fasciaria (Barred Red)
Hypena proboscidalis (Snout)
Idaea aversata (Riband Wave)
Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave)
Macaria wauaria (The V-Moth)
Martania taeniata (Barred Carpet)
Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet)
Mompha langiella (Clouded Cosmet)
Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing)
Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Notocelia rosaecolana (Common Rose Bell)
Oligia latruncula (Tawny Marbled Minor)
Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff)
Phymatopus hecta (Gold Swift)
Plusia festucae (Gold Spot)
Protolampra sobrina (Cousin German)
Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet)
Tinea semifulvella (Fulvous Clothes Moth)
Udea prunalis (Dusky Pearl)
Xestia baja (Dotted Clay)
Ypsolopha parenthesella (White-shouldered Smudge)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Frode Falkenberg
Grønnlien (Vestland, Norway)
Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer)
Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer)
Alcis repandata (Mottled Beauty)
Apamea lateritia (Scarce Brindle)
Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches)
Apamea remissa (Dusky Brocade)
Archips oporana (Pine Tortrix)
Argyresthia conjugella (Apple Fruit Moth)
Autographa pulchrina (Beautiful Golden Y)
Cabera exanthemata (Common Wave)
Campaea margaritaria (Light Emerald)
Camptogramma bilineata (Yellow Shell)
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth)
Cnephasia asseclana (Flax Tortrix)
Colostygia pectinataria (Green Carpet)
Crambus lathoniellus (Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer)
Crambus pascuella (Grass-veneer)
Crocallis elinguaria (Scalloped Oak)
Diarsia brunnea (Purple Clay)
Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay)
Dysstroma latefasciata
Eana osseana (Dotted Shade)
Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey)
Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach)
Eulithis prunata (The Phoenix)
Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug)
Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald)
Graphiphora augur (Double Dart)
Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix)
Herminia tarsipennalis (The Fan-foot)
Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth)
Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer)
Hylaea fasciaria (Barred Red)
Hypenodes humidalis (Marsh Oblique-barred)
Idaea aversata (Riband Wave)
Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave)
Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Map-winged Swift)
Macaria liturata (Tawny-barred Angle)
Macaria wauaria (The V-Moth)
Martania taeniata (Barred Carpet)
Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet)
Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Oligia latruncula (Tawny Marbled Minor)
Pandemis cinnamomeana (White-faced Tortrix)
Pandemis heparana (Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix)
Pasiphila debiliata
Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff)
Phymatopus hecta (Gold Swift)
Plemyria rubiginata (Blue-bordered Carpet)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Polychrysia moneta (Golden Plusia)
Pseudargyrotoza conwagana (Yellow-spot Tortrix)
Rhopobota naevana (Holly Tortrix)
Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet)
Udea prunalis (Dusky Pearl)
Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave)
Xestia baja (Dotted Clay)
Xestia triangulum (Double Square-spot)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
John Skartveit
Nes (Vestland, Norway)
Autographa gamma (Silver Y)
Autographa pulchrina (Beautiful Golden Y)
Celaena haworthii (Haworth's Minor)
Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth)
Crocallis elinguaria (Scalloped Oak)
Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach)
Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer)
Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave)
Martania taeniata (Barred Carpet)
Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet)
Phymatopus hecta (Gold Swift)
Pterophoridae (Plume moths)
Tortricidae (Tortrix moths)
Xanthorhoe ferrugata (Dark-barred Twin-spot)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Alf Tore Mjøs
Hosanger (Vestland, Norway)
Agonopterix angelicella (Angelica Flat-body)
Agriphila inquinatella (Barred Grass-veneer)
Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer)
Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer)
Alcis repandata (Mottled Beauty)
Anaplectoides prasina (Green Arches)
Apamea crenata (Clouded-bordered Brindle)
Apamea lateritia (Scarce Brindle)
Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches)
Apamea remissa (Dusky Brocade)
Apotomis betuletana (Birch Marble)
Argyresthia brockeella (Gold-ribbon Argent)
Argyresthia conjugella (Apple Fruit Moth)
Argyresthia goedartella (Golden Argent)
Arichanna melanaria
Autographa buraetica
Autographa jota (Plain Golden Y)
Autographa pulchrina (Beautiful Golden Y)
Biston betularia (Peppered Moth)
Brachylomia viminalis (Minor Shoulder-knot)
Campaea margaritaria (Light Emerald)
Catoptria falsella (Chequered Grass-veneer)
Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer)
Catoptria permutatellus
Celypha cespitana (Thyme Marble)
Celypha lacunana (Common Marble)
Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth)
Cnephasia asseclana (Flax Tortrix)
Colostygia pectinataria (Green Carpet)
Cosmia trapezina (The Dun-bar)
Cosmorhoe ocellata (Purple Bar)
Crambus pascuella (Grass-veneer)
Crambus perlella (Yellow Satin Veneer)
Crocallis elinguaria (Scalloped Oak)
Dendrolimus pini (Pine Lappet)
Diachrysia chrysitis (Burnished Brass)
Diarsia brunnea (Purple Clay)
Diarsia dahlii (Barred Chestnut)
Dioryctria abietella (Dark Pine Knot-horn)
Donacaula mucronella
Drepana curvatula (Dusky Hook-tip)
Dysstroma latefasciata
Dysstroma truncata (Common Marbled Carpet)
Eana osseana (Dotted Shade)
Elachista adscitella
Elachista canapennella (Little Dwarf)
Elophila nymphaeata (Brown China-mark)
Eucosma cana (Hoary Bell)
Eudonia pallida (Marsh Grey)
Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach)
Eulithis prunata (The Phoenix)
Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug)
Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald)
Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix)
Herminia tarsipennalis (The Fan-foot)
Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer)
Hylaea fasciaria (Barred Red)
Hypena proboscidalis (Snout)
Hypenodes humidalis (Marsh Oblique-barred)
Idaea aversata (Riband Wave)
Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave)
Lacanobia oleracea (Bright-line Brown-eye)
Lomaspilis marginata (Clouded Border)
Lycophotia porphyrea (True Lover's Knot)
Macaria brunneata (Rannoch Looper)
Macaria wauaria (The V-Moth)
Martania taeniata (Barred Carpet)
Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet)
Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot)
Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow)
Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing)
Notodonta dromedarius (Iron Prominent)
Notodonta ziczac (Pebble Prominent)
Nymphula nitidulata (Beautiful China-mark)
Ochropacha duplaris (Common Lutestring)
Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder)
Oligia strigilis (Marbled Minor)
Pandemis cerasana (Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix)
Pandemis cinnamomeana (White-faced Tortrix)
Pandemis heparana (Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix)
Paramesia gnomana
Pasiphila debiliata
Patania ruralis (Mother of Pearl)
Perizoma alchemillata (Small Rivulet)
Pheosia gnoma (Lesser Swallow Prominent)
Pheosia tremula (Swallow Prominent)
Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff)
Phymatopus hecta (Gold Swift)
Plemyria rubiginata (Blue-bordered Carpet)
Plusia festucae (Gold Spot)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Polia nebulosa (Grey Arches)
Protolampra sobrina (Cousin German)
Rhopobota naevana (Holly Tortrix)
Sphinx pinastri (Pine Hawk-moth)
Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet)
Thyatira batis (Peach-Blossom)
Udea lutealis (Pale Straw Pearl)
Udea prunalis (Dusky Pearl)
Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave)
Xanthorhoe designata (Flame Carpet)
Xestia baja (Dotted Clay)
Xestia sexstrigata (Six-striped Rustic)
Xestia stigmatica (Square-spotted Clay)
Xestia xanthographa (Square-spot Rustic)
Yponomeuta evonymella (Bird-cherry Ermine)