Chamaepericlymenum suecicum (Dwarf Cornel)
Phenology of the North Calotte 2024-06-21 Pasvik skole Svanvik (Finnmark, Norway) | 2024-06-21 Flowering globe flower 2024-06-07 Flowering bilberry 2024-06-21 Flowering labrador-tea 2024-06-21 Flowering cloudberry 2024-06-21 Flowering dwarf cornel | |
Phenology of the North Calotte 2024-06-16 Alta ungdomsskole Lilleslåtten (Finnmark, Norway) | 2024-06-16 Flowering dwarf cornel | |
2024-05-25 Flowering Maianthemum bifolium 2024-05-25 Flowering dwarf cornel 2024-05-25 Flowering Silene rupestris | ||
Spring phenology 2024-05-19 Gunvor Hustoft Hustoft gnr. 150/4 (Rogaland, Norway) | 2024-05-19 Adult birch mocha 2024-05-19 Adult cream wave 2024-05-18 Flowering Vicia sepium 2024-05-19 Flowering swedish service-tree 2024-05-19 Flowering Lysimachia nemorum 2024-05-19 Flowering dwarf cornel 2024-05-18 Flowering Melampyrum pratense 2024-05-19 Flowering Sorbus intermedia 2024-05-18 Flowering Lotus corniculatus 2024-05-19 Flowering cowberry | |
2024-05-13 Arrival barn swallow 2024-05-14 Flowering Trientalis europaea 2024-05-14 Flowering dwarf cornel 2024-05-14 Flowering Potentilla erecta 2024-05-14 Flowering Pinguicula vulgaris | ||
Planteregistreringer 2023-09-08 Stryn vidaregåande skule Ljøbrekka (Møre og Romsdal, Norway) | Dwarf Cornel (Chamaepericlymenum suecicum) Solidago virgaurea subsp. virgaurea | |
Planteregistreringer 2023-09-12 Stryn vidaregåande skule Ljøbrekka (Møre og Romsdal, Norway) | Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) Heather (Calluna vulgaris) Campanula rotundifolia Dwarf Cornel (Chamaepericlymenum suecicum) Melancholy Thistle (Cirsium heterophyllum) Empetrum Hypericum maculatum Hypericum perforatum Juncus effusus Potentilla erecta Rubus idaeus Scorzoneroides autumnalis Red Campion (Silene dioica) Silene rupestris Solidago virgaurea Rowan (Sorbus aucuparia) Succisa pratensis Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) | |
2023-06-21 Flowering Menyanthes trifoliata 2023-06-23 Flowering northern dock 2023-06-23 Flowering Veronica officinalis 2023-06-21 Flowering dwarf cornel 2023-06-23 Flowering Arnica montana | ||
Phenology of the North Calotte 2023-06-15 Alta ungdomsskole Svaneveien (Finnmark, Norway) | 2023-06-15 Flowering dwarf cornel | |
Spring phenology 2023-05-27 Gunvor Hustoft Hustoft gnr. 150/4 (Rogaland, Norway) | 2023-05-27 Flowering Trifolium pratense 2023-05-27 Flowering dwarf cornel 2023-05-27 Flowering cowberry | |
2023-05-21 Flowering Polygala vulgaris 2023-05-21 Flowering Trientalis europaea 2023-05-21 Flowering dwarf cornel 2023-05-21 Flowering Potentilla erecta 2023-05-21 Flowering cowberry | ||
Phenology of the North Calotte 2022-07-05 Vestre Jakobselv skole Ringveien (Finnmark, Norway) | 2022-07-05 Flowering dwarf cornel | |
Spring phenology 2022-05-25 Gunvor Hustoft Hustoft gnr. 150/4 (Rogaland, Norway) | 2022-05-25 Flowering dwarf cornel | |
2022-05-15 Flowering dwarf cornel 2022-05-15 Flowering cowberry 2022-05-15 Flowering Trichophorum cespitosum | ||
Phenology of the North Calotte 2021-06-28 Vestre Jakobselv skole Vestre Jakobselv (Finnmark, Norway) | 2021-06-18 Flowering globe flower 2021-06-18 Flowering bilberry 2021-06-11 Flowering cloudberry 2021-06-23 Flowering rowan 2021-06-26 Flowering dwarf cornel |