Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer)
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2018-08-09 Frode Falkenberg Sørborg, Minde (Vestland, Norway) | Acleris laterana (Dark-triangle Button) Agriphila inquinatella (Barred Grass-veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Apamea lateritia (Scarce Brindle) Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Diarsia brunnea (Purple Clay) Diarsia dahlii (Barred Chestnut) Dysstroma citrata (Dark Marbled Carpet) Epinotia ramella (Small Birch Bell) Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey) Eudonia truncicolella (Ground-moss Grey) Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug) Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer) Martania taeniata (Barred Carpet) Mesapamea Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing) Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Parastichtis suspecta (The Suspected) Pheosia gnoma (Lesser Swallow Prominent) Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth) Protolampra sobrina (Cousin German) Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave) Xanthorhoe fluctuata (Garden Carpet) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) Ypsolopha parenthesella (White-shouldered Smudge) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2018-08-08 Frode Falkenberg Sørborg, Minde (Vestland, Norway) | Acleris holmiana (White-triangle Button) Acleris laterana (Dark-triangle Button) Agriphila inquinatella (Barred Grass-veneer) Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Amphipoea Argyresthia pruniella (Cherry Fruit Moth) Camptogramma bilineata (Yellow Shell) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Catoptria permutatellus Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet) Colostygia pectinataria (Green Carpet) Cosmia trapezina (The Dun-bar) Crocallis elinguaria (Scalloped Oak) Crypsedra gemmea (Cameo) Diarsia brunnea (Purple Clay) Diarsia dahlii (Barred Chestnut) Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay) Dysstroma citrata (Dark Marbled Carpet) Dysstroma latefasciata Eana incanana (Bluebell Shade) Epinotia ramella (Small Birch Bell) Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey) Eudonia pallida (Marsh Grey) Eudonia truncicolella (Ground-moss Grey) Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach) Eulithis testata (The Chevron) Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug) Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer) Hypatima rhomboidella (Square-spot Crest) Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave) Ipimorpha subtusa Martania taeniata (Barred Carpet) Mesapamea Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet) Mompha langiella (Clouded Cosmet) Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing) Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Paramesia gnomana Parastichtis suspecta (The Suspected) Pheosia tremula (Swallow Prominent) Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth) Protolampra sobrina (Cousin German) Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet) Xanthorhoe designata (Flame Carpet) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) Xestia c-nigrum (Setaceous Hebrew Character) Ypsolopha parenthesella (White-shouldered Smudge) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-08-16 John Skartveit Blindheim (Vestland, Norway) | Acleris effractana/emargana Acleris laterana (Dark-triangle Button) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Celaena haworthii (Haworth's Minor) Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay) Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix) Epinotia ramella (Small Birch Bell) Eulithis testata (The Chevron) Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic) Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer) Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-08-03 John Skartveit Mjølfjell Solbakken (Vestland, Norway) | Apamea kuusamoensis Carsia sororiata (Manchester Treble-bar) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Cedestis Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Chersotis cuprea Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay) Eana osseana (Dotted Shade) Entephria caesiata (Grey Mountain Carpet) Epinotia ramella (Small Birch Bell) Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach) Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug) Eurois occulta (Great Brocade) Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald) Graphiphora augur (Double Dart) Macaria brunneata (Rannoch Looper) Martania taeniata (Barred Carpet) Pennithera firmata (Pine Carpet) Scopariinae Syngrapha interrogationis (Scarce Silver Y) Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet) Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) Yponomeuta evonymella (Bird-cherry Ermine) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-08-02 John Skartveit Mjølfjell Solbakken (Vestland, Norway) | Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Chersotis cuprea Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay) Eana osseana (Dotted Shade) Entephria caesiata (Grey Mountain Carpet) Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach) Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug) Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald) Graphiphora augur (Double Dart) Pandemis cerasana (Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix) Scopariinae Scopula ternata (Smoky Wave) Syngrapha interrogationis (Scarce Silver Y) Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet) Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-08-01 John Skartveit Mjølfjell Solbakken (Vestland, Norway) | Ancylis Carsia sororiata (Manchester Treble-bar) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Chersotis cuprea Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay) Dysstroma truncata (Common Marbled Carpet) Eana osseana (Dotted Shade) Entephria caesiata (Grey Mountain Carpet) Epinotia tenerana (Nut Bud Moth) Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach) Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug) Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer) Pennithera firmata (Pine Carpet) Scopariinae Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet) Udea decrepitalis Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) Ypsolopha ustella (Variable Smudge) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-07-31 John Skartveit Mjølfjell Solbakken (Vestland, Norway) | Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave) Carsia sororiata (Manchester Treble-bar) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Chersotis cuprea Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay) Dysstroma truncata (Common Marbled Carpet) Eana osseana (Dotted Shade) Entephria caesiata (Grey Mountain Carpet) Epinotia tenerana (Nut Bud Moth) Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach) Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug) Graphiphora augur (Double Dart) Macaria brunneata (Rannoch Looper) Pennithera firmata (Pine Carpet) Scopariinae Scopula ternata (Smoky Wave) Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet) Udea lutealis (Pale Straw Pearl) Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) Ypsolopha parenthesella (White-shouldered Smudge) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-07-30 John Skartveit Mjølfjell Solbakken (Vestland, Norway) | Ancylis comptana Autographa pulchrina (Beautiful Golden Y) Campaea margaritaria (Light Emerald) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Chersotis cuprea Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay) Dysstroma truncata (Common Marbled Carpet) Eana incanana (Bluebell Shade) Eana osseana (Dotted Shade) Entephria caesiata (Grey Mountain Carpet) Epinotia tenerana (Nut Bud Moth) Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach) Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug) Gelechiidae (Twirler moths) Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald) Graphiphora augur (Double Dart) Lycophotia porphyrea (True Lover's Knot) Macaria brunneata (Rannoch Looper) Plemyria rubiginata (Blue-bordered Carpet) Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth) Scopariinae Scopula ternata (Smoky Wave) Syngrapha interrogationis (Scarce Silver Y) Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet) Udea lutealis (Pale Straw Pearl) Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) Yponomeuta evonymella (Bird-cherry Ermine) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-08-05 John Skartveit Blindheim (Vestland, Norway) | Acleris laterana (Dark-triangle Button) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Celypha lacunana (Common Marble) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay) Eana osseana (Dotted Shade) Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix) Elophila nymphaeata (Brown China-mark) Graphiphora augur (Double Dart) Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic) Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer) Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet) Naenia typica (The Gothic) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Scoparia subfusca (Large Grey) Xanthorhoe designata (Flame Carpet) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) Yponomeuta evonymella (Bird-cherry Ermine) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-08-04 John Skartveit Blindheim (Vestland, Norway) | Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Celaena haworthii (Haworth's Minor) Celypha lacunana (Common Marble) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay) Eana osseana (Dotted Shade) Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix) Elachista Eulithis testata (The Chevron) Graphiphora augur (Double Dart) Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic) Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave) Lateroligia ophiogramma (Double Lobed) Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet) Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot) Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Plusia festucae (Gold Spot) Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth) Udea lutealis (Pale Straw Pearl) Xanthorhoe designata (Flame Carpet) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) Xestia triangulum (Double Square-spot) Yponomeuta evonymella (Bird-cherry Ermine) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-07-29 John Skartveit Blindheim (Vestland, Norway) | Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Anania hortulata (Small Magpie) Apotomis Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Elachista Eudonia truncicolella (Ground-moss Grey) Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic) Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer) Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet) Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot) Udea lutealis (Pale Straw Pearl) Xanthorhoe designata (Flame Carpet) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-07-27 John Skartveit Blindheim (Vestland, Norway) | Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Apotomis betuletana (Birch Marble) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix) Elachista Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach) Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic) Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave) Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet) Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot) Nymphula nitidulata (Beautiful China-mark) Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff) Thera cognata (Chestnut-coloured Carpet) Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) Xestia triangulum (Double Square-spot) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-07-26 John Skartveit Blindheim (Vestland, Norway) | Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Anania hortulata (Small Magpie) Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches) Autographa gamma (Silver Y) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Celypha lacunana (Common Marble) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Coenophila subrosea (Rosy Marsh Moth) Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix) Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach) Eupithecia absinthiata (Wormwood Pug) Gillmeria pallidactyla (Yarrow Plume) Hypenodes humidalis (Marsh Oblique-barred) Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave) Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet) Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff) Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth) Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave) Xanthorhoe designata (Flame Carpet) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) Xestia triangulum (Double Square-spot) Yponomeuta evonymella (Bird-cherry Ermine) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-07-17 John Skartveit Blindheim (Vestland, Norway) | Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Alcis repandata (Mottled Beauty) Apamea remissa (Dusky Brocade) Bryotropha Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Diarsia brunnea (Purple Clay) Elachista Eucosma cana (Hoary Bell) Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach) Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Map-winged Swift) Macaria wauaria (The V-Moth) Martania taeniata (Barred Carpet) Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot) Naenia typica (The Gothic) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Opostega salaciella (Sorrel Bent-wing) Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff) Spilosoma lubricipeda (White Ermine) Udea prunalis (Dusky Pearl) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2024-07-09 John Skartveit Blindheim (Vestland, Norway) | Alcis repandata (Mottled Beauty) Autographa pulchrina (Beautiful Golden Y) Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave) Camptogramma bilineata (Yellow Shell) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Celypha lacunana (Common Marble) Celypha siderana Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Cosmorhoe ocellata (Purple Bar) Crambus perlella (Yellow Satin Veneer) Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay) Elachista Epiblema sticticana (Colt’s-foot Bell) Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach) Hypena proboscidalis (Snout) Korscheltellus fusconebulosa (Map-winged Swift) Photedes minima (Small Dotted Buff) Pieris napi (Green-veined White) Xestia triangulum (Double Square-spot) |