Acrolepiidae (False diamondback moths)
Digitivalva reticulella | ||
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2021-07-23 Leiv Tommas Haugen Vågslid (Telemark, Norway) | Agonopterix angelicella (Angelica Flat-body) Argyresthia curvella (Brindled Argent) Argyresthia pygmaeella (Sallow Argent) Cnephasia asseclana (Flax Tortrix) Coleophora virgaureae Digitivalva reticulella Elachista nielswolffi Epinotia cruciana (Willow Tortrix) Epinotia gimmerthaliana Eudonia sudetica Hellinsia tephradactyla Lathronympha strigana (Red Piercer) Phyllonorycter junoniella Platyptilia calodactyla (Goldenrod Plume) Plebejus idas (Idas blue) Polia hepatica (Silvery Arches) Protolampra sobrina (Cousin German) Sparganothis rubicundana Syngrapha interrogationis (Scarce Silver Y) Xestia speciosa | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2020-07-15 Leiv Tommas Haugen Vågslid (Telemark, Norway) | Argyresthia conjugella (Apple Fruit Moth) Digitivalva reticulella Hada plebeja (The Shears) Monopis weaverella (Carrion Moth) Nematopogon schwarziellus (Sandy Long-horn) Neofaculta ericetella (Heather Groundling) Polia bombycina (Pale Shining Brown) Xanthorhoe decoloraria (Red Carpet) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2019-07-18 Leiv Tommas Haugen Presthammer (Rogaland, Norway) | Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Bryotropha similis (Obscure Groundling) Hedya atropunctana (Black-spot Marble) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2019-06-28 Leiv Tommas Haugen Hausland, Fevik. (Agder, Norway) | Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Agrotis clavis (Heart and Club) Scoparia ambigualis (Common Grey) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2015-08-11 Even Mjaaland Åsedalen (Rogaland, Norway) | Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Agriphila inquinatella (Barred Grass-veneer) Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and Dart) Alcis repandata (Mottled Beauty) Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches) Apamea rubrirena Archips rosana (Rose Tortrix) Argyresthia conjugella (Apple Fruit Moth) Argyresthia goedartella (Golden Argent) Argyresthia pygmaeella (Sallow Argent) Batrachedra praeangusta (Poplar Cosmet) Bryotropha terrella (Cinereous Groundling) Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave) Caradrina clavipalpis (Pale Mottled Willow) Celypha lacunana (Common Marble) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer) Cosmia trapezina (The Dun-bar) Eana incanana (Bluebell Shade) Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix) Elachista Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey) Gracillaria syringella (Lilac Leafminer) Graphiphora augur (Double Dart) Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix) Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth) Idaea aversata (Riband Wave) Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave) Idaea seriata (Small Dusty Wave) Lacanobia oleracea (Bright-line Brown-eye) Lateroligia ophiogramma (Double Lobed) Macaria wauaria (The V-Moth) Mesapamea Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot) Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder) Pandemis cerasana (Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix) Pandemis corylana (Chequered Fruit-tree Tortrix) Pandemis heparana (Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix) Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Willow Beauty) Plemyria rubiginata (Blue-bordered Carpet) Rhopobota naevana (Holly Tortrix) Udea lutealis (Pale Straw Pearl) Xanthorhoe fluctuata (Garden Carpet) Xestia xanthographa (Square-spot Rustic) Yponomeuta evonymella (Bird-cherry Ermine) Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana (Spruce Bud Moth) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2015-08-08 Even Mjaaland Åsedalen (Rogaland, Norway) | Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches) Archips rosana (Rose Tortrix) Bryotropha terrella (Cinereous Groundling) Caradrina clavipalpis (Pale Mottled Willow) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Epinotia nisella (Grey Poplar Bell) Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey) Eudonia truncicolella (Ground-moss Grey) Gracillaria syringella (Lilac Leafminer) Gymnoscelis rufifasciata (Double-striped Pug) Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth) Hypena proboscidalis (Snout) Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave) Lacanobia oleracea (Bright-line Brown-eye) Lomaspilis marginata (Clouded Border) Mesapamea Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot) Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Notocelia rosaecolana (Common Rose Bell) Pasiphila rectangulata (Green Pug) Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Willow Beauty) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2015-08-17 Kjell Mjølsnes Ergavatnet (Rogaland, Norway) | Abraxas grossulariata (The Magpie) Abrostola triplasia (Dark Spectacle) Acleris aspersana (Ginger Button) Acleris bergmanniana (Yellow Rose Button) Acleris comariana/laterana Acleris holmiana (White-triangle Button) Acleris laterana (Dark-triangle Button) Acrobasis advenella Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Aethes smeathmanniana (Yarrow Conch) Aglais urticae (Small Tortoiseshell) Agonopterix conterminella (Sallow Flat-body) Agriphila inquinatella (Barred Grass-veneer) Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and Dart) Agrotis ipsilon (Dark Sword-grass) Agrotis vestigialis (Archer's Dart) Amphipoea Anaplectoides prasina (Green Arches) Apamea lateritia (Scarce Brindle) Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches) Apamea remissa (Dusky Brocade) Arctia caja (Garden Tiger) Argyresthia goedartella (Golden Argent) Argyresthia pruniella (Cherry Fruit Moth) Argyresthia pygmaeella (Sallow Argent) Autographa gamma (Silver Y) Axylia putris (Flame) Bactra furfurana (Mottled Marble) Bactra lacteana/lancealana/robustana Biston betularia (Peppered Moth) Bryotropha terrella (Cinereous Groundling) Cabera exanthemata (Common Wave) Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave) Caloptilia stigmatella (White-triangle Slender) Camptogramma bilineata (Yellow Shell) Caradrina morpheus (Mottled Rustic) Catoptria falsella (Chequered Grass-veneer) Catoptria margaritella (Pearl-band Grass Veneer) Celaena haworthii (Haworth's Minor) Celypha lacunana (Common Marble) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Chilodes maritima (Silky Wainscot) Clepsis spectrana (Cyclamen Tortrix) Cnephasia asseclana (Flax Tortrix) Cosmia trapezina (The Dun-bar) Cosmorhoe ocellata (Purple Bar) Crambus pascuella (Grass-veneer) Crocallis elinguaria (Scalloped Oak) Deilephila elpenor (Elephant Hawk-moth) Diarsia rubi (Small Square-spot) Dichelia histrionana (Spruce Tortrix) Donacaula mucronella Eana incanana (Bluebell Shade) Eana osseana (Dotted Shade) Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix) Elophila nymphaeata (Brown China-mark) Endrosis sarcitrella (White-shouldered House Moth) Epiblema foenella (White-foot Bell) Epinotia caprana (Large Sallow Bell) Epinotia cinereana/nisella Epinotia solandriana (Variable Bell) Epinotia tenerana (Nut Bud Moth) Epirrhoe alternata (Common Carpet) Eucosma campoliliana (Marbled Bell) Eucosma cana (Hoary Bell) Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey) Eudonia pallida (Marsh Grey) Eulithis populata (Northern Spinach) Eulithis pyraliata (Barred Straw) Eulithis testata (The Chevron) Eupithecia absinthiata (Wormwood Pug) Eupithecia centaureata (Lime-speck Pug) Eupithecia icterata (Tawny Speckled Pug) Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug) Eupithecia tenuiata Eurois occulta (Great Brocade) Euxoa cursoria (Coast Dart) Euxoa nigricans (Garden Dart) Euxoa tritici (White-line Dart) Geometra papilionaria (Large Emerald) Gillmeria pallidactyla (Yarrow Plume) Graphiphora augur (Double Dart) Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix) Heliothis peltigera (Bordered Straw) Helotropha leucostigma (The Crescent) Herminia tarsipennalis (The Fan-foot) Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth) Hoplodrina octogenaria (The Uncertain) Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic) Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer) Hyles gallii (Bedstraw Hawk-moth) Hypena proboscidalis (Snout) Hypenodes humidalis (Marsh Oblique-barred) Idaea aversata (Riband Wave) Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave) Idaea dimidiata (Single-dotted Wave) Lacanobia oleracea (Bright-line Brown-eye) Lacanobia suasa (Dog's Tooth) Lateroligia ophiogramma (Double Lobed) Leucania obsoleta (Obscure Wainscot) Lomaspilis marginata (Clouded Border) Luperina testacea (Flounced Rustic) Lycophotia porphyrea (True Lover's Knot) Macaria brunneata (Rannoch Looper) Mamestra brassicae (Cabbage Moth) Maniola jurtina (Meadow Brown) Mesapamea Mesoligia furuncula (Cloaked Minor) Mesotype didymata (Twin-spot Carpet) Mompha conturbatella (Large Dark Cosmet) Mompha raschkiella (Little Cosmet) Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot) Mythimna straminea (Southern Wainscot) Naenia typica (The Gothic) Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing) Noctua fimbriata (Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing) Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Nomophila noctuella (Rush Veneer) Notocelia roborana (Summer Rose Bell) Notocelia rosaecolana (Common Rose Bell) Notodonta ziczac (Pebble Prominent) Nymphula nitidulata (Beautiful China-mark) Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder) Orthonama vittata (Oblique Carpet) Pandemis cerasana (Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix) Pandemis heparana (Dark Fruit-tree Tortrix) Paramesia gnomana Patania ruralis (Mother of Pearl) Pelurga comitata (Dark Spinach) Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Willow Beauty) Peribatodes secundaria (Feathered Beauty) Perizoma affinitata (The Rivulet) Pheosia tremula (Swallow Prominent) Phlogophora meticulosa (Angle Shades) Pieris brassicae (Large White) Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth) Polychrysia moneta (Golden Plusia) Ptilodon capucina (Coxcomb Prominent) Rhopobota naevana (Holly Tortrix) Rivula sericealis (Straw Dot) Scoparia subfusca (Large Grey) Spodoptera exigua (Small Mottled Willow) Syngrapha interrogationis (Scarce Silver Y) Teleiopsis diffinis (Large Groundling) Thera juniperata (Juniper Carpet) Udea lutealis (Pale Straw Pearl) Udea prunalis (Dusky Pearl) Vitula serratilineella (American Wax Moth) Xanthia icteritia (The Sallow) Xanthorhoe designata (Flame Carpet) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) Xestia c-nigrum (Setaceous Hebrew Character) Xestia sexstrigata (Six-striped Rustic) Xestia xanthographa (Square-spot Rustic) Yponomeuta evonymella (Bird-cherry Ermine) Ypsolopha dentella (Honeysuckle Moth) Zeiraphera isertana (Cock's-head Bell) Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana (Spruce Bud Moth) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2015-07-30 Even Mjaaland Åsedalen (Rogaland, Norway) | Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and Dart) Apamea crenata (Clouded-bordered Brindle) Apamea lateritia (Scarce Brindle) Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches) Archips rosana (Rose Tortrix) Argyresthia dilectella (Juniper Argent) Biston betularia (Peppered Moth) Campaea margaritaria (Light Emerald) Caradrina morpheus (Mottled Rustic) Catoptria falsella (Chequered Grass-veneer) Celypha lacunana (Common Marble) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer) Crambus perlella (Yellow Satin Veneer) Diarsia brunnea (Purple Clay) Eucosma campoliliana (Marbled Bell) Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey) Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix) Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth) Hypenodes humidalis (Marsh Oblique-barred) Idaea aversata (Riband Wave) Lacanobia oleracea (Bright-line Brown-eye) Macaria wauaria (The V-Moth) Mesapamea Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Notocelia rosaecolana (Common Rose Bell) Pandemis cerasana (Barred Fruit-tree Tortrix) Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Willow Beauty) Prays fraxinella (Ash Bud Moth) Scoparia subfusca (Large Grey) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2015-07-29 Even Mjaaland Åsedalen (Rogaland, Norway) | Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Agrotis exclamationis (Heart and Dart) Apamea lateritia (Scarce Brindle) Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches) Biston betularia (Peppered Moth) Caradrina clavipalpis (Pale Mottled Willow) Caradrina morpheus (Mottled Rustic) Celypha lacunana (Common Marble) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Chrysoteuchia culmella (Garden Grass-veneer) Coleophora Crambus perlella (Yellow Satin Veneer) Epinotia tenerana (Nut Bud Moth) Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey) Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix) Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth) Lacanobia oleracea (Bright-line Brown-eye) Macaria wauaria (The V-Moth) Mesapamea Notocelia rosaecolana (Common Rose Bell) Pasiphila rectangulata (Green Pug) Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Willow Beauty) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2015-04-28 Even Mjaaland Åsedalen (Rogaland, Norway) | Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Aglais io (Peacock Butterfly) Agonopterix ciliella/heracliana Orthosia cerasi (Common Quaker) Orthosia gothica (Hebrew Character) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2014-08-06 Even Mjaaland Åsedalen (Rogaland, Norway) | Acleris laterana (Dark-triangle Button) Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Apamea monoglypha (Dark Arches) Archips rosana (Rose Tortrix) Bryotropha terrella (Cinereous Groundling) Camptogramma bilineata (Yellow Shell) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Cosmia trapezina (The Dun-bar) Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix) Elachista canapennella (Little Dwarf) Epinotia trigonella (White-blotch Bell) Eudonia truncicolella (Ground-moss Grey) Eulithis prunata (The Phoenix) Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug) Gracillaria syringella (Lilac Leafminer) Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth) Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic) Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer) Lathronympha strigana (Red Piercer) Lyonetia clerkella (Apple Leaf Miner) Mesapamea Noctua comes (Lesser Yellow Underwing) Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder) Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Willow Beauty) Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth) Rhopobota naevana (Holly Tortrix) Udea lutealis (Pale Straw Pearl) Udea prunalis (Dusky Pearl) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2014-08-05 Even Mjaaland Åsedalen (Rogaland, Norway) | Acleris aspersana (Ginger Button) Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Archips rosana (Rose Tortrix) Bryotropha terrella (Cinereous Groundling) Celaena haworthii (Haworth's Minor) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Cosmia trapezina (The Dun-bar) Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix) Elachista canapennella (Little Dwarf) Epinotia trigonella (White-blotch Bell) Eudonia truncicolella (Ground-moss Grey) Eupithecia icterata (Tawny Speckled Pug) Eupithecia pusillata (Juniper Pug) Gracillaria syringella (Lilac Leafminer) Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth) Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic) Lathronympha strigana (Red Piercer) Lyonetia clerkella (Apple Leaf Miner) Mesapamea Mesotype parallelolineata Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder) Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Willow Beauty) Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth) Rhopobota naevana (Holly Tortrix) Udea prunalis (Dusky Pearl) Xestia baja (Dotted Clay) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2014-09-16 Even Mjaaland Åsedalen (Rogaland, Norway) | Acleris sparsana (Ashy Button) Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Aglais io (Peacock Butterfly) Agrochola lota (Red-line Quaker) Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet) Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix) Gracillaria syringella (Lilac Leafminer) Griposia aprilina (Merveille du Jour) Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic) Mompha raschkiella (Little Cosmet) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder) Pandemis cinnamomeana (White-faced Tortrix) Vanessa atalanta (Red Admiral) Xanthia togata (Pink-barred Sallow) Ypsolopha parenthesella (White-shouldered Smudge) | |
Norwegian moths and butterflies 2014-07-27 Even Mjaaland Åsedalen (Rogaland, Norway) | Acrolepiopsis assectella (Leek Moth) Agriphila straminella (Pearl Veneer) Agriphila tristella (Common Grass-veneer) Archips rosana (Rose Tortrix) Borkhausenia fuscescens (Small Dingy Tubic) Caradrina clavipalpis (Pale Mottled Willow) Carcina quercana (Long-horned Flat-body) Cerapteryx graminis (Antler Moth) Cosmia trapezina (The Dun-bar) Crocallis elinguaria (Scalloped Oak) Cydia splendana (Marbled Piercer) Ecliptopera silaceata (Small Phoenix) Epinotia nisella (Grey Poplar Bell) Eudonia lacustrata (Little Grey) Eudonia truncicolella (Ground-moss Grey) Gracillaria syringella (Lilac Leafminer) Hedya nubiferana (Marbled Orchard Tortrix) Hofmannophila pseudospretella (Brown House Moth) Hydraecia micacea (Rosy Rustic) Hydriomena furcata (July Highflyer) Hypenodes humidalis (Marsh Oblique-barred) Idaea biselata (Small Fan-footed Wave) Lyonetia clerkella (Apple Leaf Miner) Mesapamea Mompha lacteella (Rust-blotch Cosmet) Mompha langiella (Clouded Cosmet) Mompha raschkiella (Little Cosmet) Mythimna impura (Smoky Wainscot) Noctua janthe (Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow) Noctua pronuba (Large Yellow Underwing) Notocelia rosaecolana (Common Rose Bell) Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder) Peribatodes rhomboidaria (Willow Beauty) Plodia interpunctella (Indian Meal Moth) Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth) Rhopobota naevana (Holly Tortrix) Xestia triangulum (Double Square-spot) Yponomeuta evonymella (Bird-cherry Ermine) Zeiraphera ratzeburgiana (Spruce Bud Moth) |