Hopp til hovedinnhold

Artsbilder fra Dag Olav Bollingmo

The photographer has shared these pictures to be used in the factsheets at lepidoptera.no and miljolare.no.

The pictures cannot be used without the photographers permission.
  • Sympistis funebris
    Sympistis funebris Dag Olav Bollingmo (2010-07-24)
  • Sympistis heliophila
    Sympistis heliophila Dag Olav Bollingmo (2010-07-24)
  • Malacodea regelaria
    Malacodea regelaria Dag Olav Bollingmo (2012-04-23)
  • Cosmotriche lobulina
    Cosmotriche lobulina Dag Olav Bollingmo (2015-08-06)
  • Pyrgus centaureae (Northern Grizzled Skipper)
    Pyrgus centaureae (Northern Grizzled Skipper) Dag Olav Bollingmo (2008-06-07)
  • Anania funebris
    Anania funebris Dag Olav Bollingmo (2010-07-11)
  • Metaxmeste phrygialis
    Metaxmeste phrygialis Dag Olav Bollingmo (2010-07-24)