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Eriopsela quadrana

Norwegian moths and butterflies
Svein Sellevold Bekkum
Bekkum, Kvikneskogen (Innlandet, Norway)
Aethes smeathmanniana (Yarrow Conch)
Amblyptilia punctidactyla (Brindled Plume)
Ancylis badiana (Common Roller)
Apamea crenata (Clouded-bordered Brindle)
Apamea remissa (Dusky Brocade)
Aphomia sociella (Bee Moth)
Autographa pulchrina (Beautiful Golden Y)
Cabera exanthemata (Common Wave)
Cabera pusaria (Common White Wave)
Catoptria permutatellus
Chiasmia clathrata (Latticed Heath)
Coleophora mayrella (Meadow Case-bearer)
Colostygia pectinataria (Green Carpet)
Crambus lathoniellus (Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer)
Diachrysia chrysitis (Burnished Brass)
Diachrysia stenochrysis (Tutts Burnished Brass)
Diacrisia sannio (Clouded Buff)
Diarsia mendica (Ingrailed Clay)
Diarsia rubi (Small Square-spot)
Drepana falcataria (Pebble Hook-tip)
Dysstroma truncata (Common Marbled Carpet)
Elachista subalbidella (Buff Dwarf)
Eriopsela quadrana
Eupithecia succenturiata (Bordered Pug)
Gillmeria pallidactyla (Yarrow Plume)
Hada plebeja (The Shears)
Hadena confusa (Marbled Coronet)
Hadena perplexa (Tawny Shears)
Hellinsia didactylites
Hepialus humuli (Ghost Moth)
Hydriomena ruberata (Ruddy Highflyer)
Hypochalcia ahenella (Dingy Knot-horn)
Lacanobia suasa (Dog's Tooth)
Lacanobia thalassina (Pale-shouldered Brocade)
Lasionycta imbecilla (The Silurian)
Lasionycta proxima
Leucania comma (Shoulder-striped Wainscot)
Lomaspilis marginata (Clouded Border)
Mompha idaei
Nemapogon cloacella (Cork Moth)
Notocelia cynosbatella (Yellow-faced Bell)
Notodonta dromedarius (Iron Prominent)
Ochropacha duplaris (Common Lutestring)
Ochropleura plecta (Flame Shoulder)
Odontopera bidentata (Scalloped Hazel)
Oligia latruncula (Tawny Marbled Minor)
Opisthograptis luteolata (Brimstone Moth)
Perizoma affinitata (The Rivulet)
Perizoma blandiata (Pretty Pinion)
Perizoma hydrata
Pheosia gnoma (Lesser Swallow Prominent)
Plagodis pulveraria (Barred Umber)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)
Polia bombycina (Pale Shining Brown)
Ptilodon capucina (Coxcomb Prominent)
Rusina ferruginea (Brown Rustic)
Scopula immorata (Lewes Wave)
Sideridis reticulata (Bordered Gothic)
Sideridis rivularis (The Campion)
Tethea or (Poplar Lutestring)
Venusia cambrica (Welsh Wave)
Xanthorhoe decoloraria (Red Carpet)
Xanthorhoe fluctuata (Garden Carpet)
Xanthorhoe montanata (Silver-ground Carpet)
Xanthorhoe spadicearia (Red Twin-spot Carpet)
Xestia triangulum (Double Square-spot)
Norwegian moths and butterflies
Kjell Mjølsnes
Lædre (Rogaland, Norway)
Alucita hexadactyla (Many-plumed Moth)
Amblyptilia acanthadactyla (Beautiful Plume)
Ancylis diminutana (Small Festooned Roller)
Capua vulgana (Common Tortrix)
Cochylis dubitana (Little Conch)
Cochylis nana (Birch Conch)
Crambus lathoniellus (Hook-streaked Grass-Veneer)
Elachista argentella (Swan-feather Dwarf)
Ematurga atomaria (Common Heath)
Epinotia subocellana (White Sallow Bell)
Eriopsela quadrana
Eucosmomorpha albersana (Honeysuckle Bell)
Eulia ministrana (Brassy Tortrix)
Eupithecia satyrata (Satyr Pug)
Gracillaria syringella (Lilac Leafminer)
Incurvaria masculella (Feathered Bright)
Lampronia corticella (Raspberry Moth)
Metzneria metzneriella (Meadow Neb)
Mompha raschkiella (Little Cosmet)
Nematopogon swammerdamella (Large Long-horn)
Neofaculta ericetella (Heather Groundling)
Opisthograptis luteolata (Brimstone Moth)
Plutella xylostella (Diamond-back Moth)